Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My First Blog

We all know that it is less simple to bake a cake from scratch, or to assemble a structure (maybe a swing set) part by part on your own. In other words, It is always more challenging to start from ground zero. Building a life from "scratch" is a road that is less traveled but many people like myself are actually doing it. By this I mean, relocate miles, state or even countries away from their home to build a life for themselves, on their own with little or no help from family or friends. Some people call it starting over or starting a clean slate  but I call it "commencing from ground zero". I am one of those people that have braved the elements and planted myself in what used to be an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people and barely a support system to rely on in order to build a life independent from what I used to know. For others that have done the same, I want to say kudos to you because I know just how rough it can be. However, the drive for independence, self discovery and ultimately success keeps us going.

Five years after I made the decision to "lock shop" in Jamaica and "commence from ground zero" in the USA, I have gotten married, had two beautiful children, gained a few friends and learned life lessons so profound that I can truly say that I am no longer sheltered but weathered and wiser. My goals have changed, my perception have changed and my personality has evolved. I love what I have built and because of all the things I went through to be where I am today, I am absolutely scared to lose what I have gained. It is also very difficult to derail me from my future goals because of how pertinent it is to my life and to the lives that I am now obligated to. I find that contrary to the life I lived in Jamaica, I can no longer be selfish and frivolous and I definitely have to be stronger.

I know that there are others out there that are just like me and I find that this might be one way of reaching them. I hope that the more extensive I become with my blogs that my readers will grow and others like me will support my writing by sharing their own experiences with me as we continue to build upwards from ground zero.     

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